Have come back to books

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I have regained my habit of reading, thanks to the hour long commute I make to Gurgaon everyday.

No sooner that I board the cab/bus, I unzip my bag and bring out the book. A few people do make faces (what a show-off) while some of them look amused (like today there was a boy who wanted eagerly to see which book I was reading or the other day when a girl tugged at my jacket and told that she found the book quite interesting).

Earlier I would wait until the weekend to hit the book, almost forgetting where I was last.

I have completed reading the three books that I received from Flipkart on my winning the Tadka Maar Ke blog competition.

Then I also read “The Namesake” and today I have started “Ji Pradhanmantri”.

The best part is books made my commute so less tiring. Stuck in a traffic jam, I am not ruing about being delayed to office. I am happy that I have got some extra time with the books.

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